Wondering how to clear bad karma? Let's take a closer look at what karma is and how to start releasing it from your life.
Law of Cause and Effect
In order to understand how to clear bad karma we’ll first need an understanding of what karma is and the underlying principles of karma as energy.
Many people think of karma as the cause of what happens to you in this life. You do good acts in your life, and then you receive good rewards. Or if you do bad acts in your life, you will then experience bad things happening to you. But this is just the beginning of how karma is viewed from a healing perspective.
The Greek philosopher Socrates argued that all events of the world had a rational cause. He stated that we may not understand the principles that control the events of our lives, but there is always order and reason to everything in life.
This method of reasoning became known as the “Socratic Method of Argument” and eventually came to be known as "The Law of Cause and Effect". This simply states that there is a reason for everything. For every effect in our lives, there is a cause, or series of specific identifiable causes.
Healing the Energy of Karma
So now let's put these concepts together. The Law of Cause and Effect says that there is a reason for everything. Karma can be seen as the law, but applied to the energy of feelings and emotions.
Most of us are aware that many of our issues and challenges start in childhood. When working with people I'm always using the Cause and Effect principles. And just as Socrates argued, we usually aren't aware of the reasons for the circumstances or events in our life, but the reasons do exist.
Many of my clients are surprised to find that the relationship problems that they have as adults have a lot to do with how their parents interacted with each other. They're also surprised to find that the beliefs they hold about money are passed down from their parents, even though they have been much more financially successful than their parents.
Yes, there are reasons for every effect, even when we don't know or understand the reasons.
How Is Karma Created
Many spiritual teachers claim that karma is like debts owed. Sometimes there are positive debts, "Good Karma," and sometimes there are negative debts, "Bad Karma."
But ultimately there is no "Good Karma" because, like any debt owed, it still is just a debt that has to be repaid.
An example of "Good Karma" is when we do good deeds with the expectation, implied or explicit, of some kind of reward. This is like the pay-in-advance principle. By having the expectation of repayment, we're setting ourselves up for the debt to be paid back later, either in the future of this life, or in a future life.
The trap then becomes when the expectation remains unfulfilled. It becomes our own expectations that tie us to people, places or events lifetime after lifetime.
I'll sometimes have clients that feel that their children owe them for all that they've done and the sacrifices that they've made. As a result, the parent is left sad and unfulfilled when their efforts go unrecognized.
I will also work with clients that feel that their parents owe them for all that they've done, or failed to do while growing up. As a result, the adult child is left sad and frustrated that their parents cannot or will not even acknowledge these old hurts that are still carried within.
Again, it's the "expectation" that creates the karma. And it's these same unfulfilled expectations that lead to unhappiness. For one person it may be a child and for another it may be a spouse, lover, business partner, etc.
Bad Karma
Contrary to common misunderstanding, Bad Karma isn't when you do something bad to someone then they will do something bad to you. Bad Karma is when you do some Action to someone and you then feel guilty or responsible for committing that action.
The important point here is that it becomes your own Guilt, Blame, Shame or other emotions that keep you indebted to repay for the actions that you've committed, even when those actions are from a previous lifetime.
So if you do something "bad" to someone, and if you feel responsible for what you've done, you've now incurred "Bad Karma". If that person whom you did something "bad" to feels the need for revenge, the two of you might even plan a life together where he has the opportunity of taking his revenge and for you to be released from your guilt.
How to Clear Bad Karma
The key to clearing bad karma is to neutralize the binding emotions to the current events in your life.
Wow, now there's a mouthful! So how do we do that?
Let's say that your goal is to get a new job or make a certain amount of money within the next year. But no matter what you try, things just don't seem to be going your way. Nothing seems to work. It's almost as if Bad Luck has given you it's own special blessing.
By getting in touch with the emotions of the "Bad Karma", we then proceed by focusing on releasing those emotions associated with the circumstances and events. It is by releasing the emotions and feelings to the desired outcome is how to clear bad karma.
Soul Healing
Our feelings are very closely tied to what we know as spiritual energy, or Life Force. Give yourself permission to feel the feelings associated with your desires. As you do so, memories and feelings from your past will surface.
The process of how to clear bad karma is releasing the past hurts by going through the energy of acceptance and compassion for the part of you that went through the experiences. This could have been childhood or even yesterday. The energy of acceptance and compassion of you in that moment is key to healing the energy body, and freeing the soul.
I have found that it is usually not necessary to clear the energy from past lives in order to clear the energy from this current life. However, there are times when I will address the energy from a past life in order to clear the energy from this current lifetime. For more information on healing past lives see Past Lives Regression.
The process itself is not complex, but it’s not always easy. This is when it becomes useful to reach out for help in getting to these feelings and energies that keep the karma locked into place.
Are you ready to start your own healing journey? I invite you to Contact Me to see if working together may be right for you.