Healing recurring dreams and nightmares with Soul Healing Therapy is a simple approach but I’ve found it to be highly effective for many people.
Love heals. It’s a very simple concept and it’s not complicated to use. But to become effective in using the energy of Love for the purpose of healing takes a minor amount investment of time and effort.
Finding your soul purpose can be a daunting task. And once found your past experiences can keep you blocked. Learn how to release fear and walk your path.
Do you wonder how to use visualization techniques to manifest your desires but find it’s difficult or impossible for you to visualize?
What is the secret of how to find your passion? Here are my recommendations for how to…
As an Empath Healer I found that I was able to take what seemed like life-long problem of feeling the sensations and emotions of other people and turn it into something that is of high contribution to those suffering from chronic problems in their life.
Healing with Love is the term that I’ve developed to describe the method that I use when working with people.…
An easy way to understand what is energy alignment is to think about driving from New York to Los Angeles.…
Here’s what past clients have had to say about working with Patrick Rodriguez. If you have had sessions with Patrick…
Recently I was having a conversation with a family member about Faith Healing and how it differs from my own…